My first marketing agency in Halifax was destroyed after 800,000 Youtube views…
We all have our moments, where we’ve bit off more than we can chew. My moment was earlier on in my career when I was running on grit and determination to make my place in the Halifax marketing agency space. I simply didn’t have the experience or team that I do now. This was way back when I used to build all of my website with HTML & CSS for a company I started in 2017 called Be Your Brand, a local Halifax marketing agency. One of my first clients who also happens to be my fitness trainer today is known as Patty Lifts (Pat MacInnis). He opened up his impressive network of people in Halifax to me and business was booming! (Thanks Patt).
When It Rains It Pours
One of the clients that came from Patt’s network is a science based body builder known as Kiwi Jeff Nippard. When you combine his youtube views with Patt’s, it easily counts over 200,000,000. Yes, million. Jeff had approached me as his mother was also interested in building her brand as a personal trainer. I took on the opportunity and delivered exactly what his mother was looking for. At the time the hosting plan I was using was meant for traffic you would expect for a marketing company, nothing more. What happened when Jeff featured it on his website was that it got a surge of over 800,000 views.
Lesson In Disguise
In one week, my mailbox was full. I had pricing requests for major projects that I had no experience in. Not only that, here I am in Halifax getting these international price requests from the UK, Spain, the United States, Canada, and all over the world! It was a blessing as much as it was a curse, because at the time I was working two jobs in Halifax and was just not ready to experience this many customers despite my goal of having a marketing agency. I felt I didn’t deserve these projects because I didn’t feel smart enough to tackle any of them. It was a humbling experience to say the least. But because I felt so overwhelmed, I shut down my first business out of Halifax.
Duly Noted
I learned a valuable lesson that year and it can be captured perfectly when I read this quote: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go as a team.” Thankfully, today, I have a team here at Antimatter Creative Labs to meet all of your design, marketing, and development needs in Halifax. Today we’re now a full development marketing agency. Thanks for reading my short story! I’m curious to know what you would have done if you were in a similar situation. Click here to watch the “800,000 views” video on Linkedin.