We Speak, Read, And Eat Software
If you’re finding yourself searching “Software development Halifax” on google with no results, then look no further. Here at Antimatter, we speak, read, and eat software. And we can teach you to eat software as well. But if you don’t have a palette for it, then we can eat it for you.
We Build Worlds
We build software for companies. Here at Antimatter, we love creating a worlds where people’s dreams and goals can take traction. We know it can feel limited at times when a lot of industries are built on specific operating systems and software, where learning to use them can be career-making or career-taking. It’s both daunting and alienating to have to squeeze who we are into shapes and moulds. Justso we can fit into an unfulfilling role. That’s where we, a software development company, come into play. We can develop the software specific to you. We also set you up for success by implementing digital marketing strategies that separate you from your competition. You can read more about that here.
We Can Build Yours
https://giphy.com/gifs/Y6VYc40Ezq9DdSNQi1 We’ve done it for so many different companies ranging from different industries. For example, Premiere Mortgage needed a customized system to manage over 180 of their brokers. We developed a system to manage their internal resources, website development, graphic design, social media, and internal training all in one. Platform. Now, instead of being lost on google drive, brokers can now login to choose premiere and access all of their internal files and marketing resources. For DBDLI we created an E-learning platform, and it’s the first platform software to support Afric-centric learning in regards to black Halifax Nova Scotia History. For Quickfacts we created a unique software that compares all insurance carriers rates and provides detailed workflows to support independent financial firms in Halifax. And those are just a few examples of what we can do. But, what else would you expect from a software development company?